September 24, 2013

Real Life

Everyday I think about something I should write in this here blog, but it doesn't happen. And then I think about writing it in my journal. But that doesn't happen either. I'm in a crux; light this blog up with life's happenings or just keep it positive and fluffy?

I'm gonna go with how life actually is, thats more interesting. More blunt though.

I'm working with football this semester as a student athletic trainer, and its not as cool as you think it sounds. Long hours, no pay, clothes that don't fit, work-induced injuries (I have to get an MRI on my left knee. Joy). Oh, and they fact that I'm the outcast in the group of 10 students. Like, the straight up weird-kid loser. Don't know how it happened, don't know why...but it has sucked ever since fall camp started August 1st. I basically cried everyday for 3 weeks straight after I got home from working 14 hour days. I guess its gotten more manageable, but I basically go all day not talking to anyone and just do my own thing while everyone else hangs out in their little cliques. 

Speaking of cliques, Landon and I have no friends. What is it with getting married and all of a sudden no one talks to you anymore? I swear we've tried to get together with people a million times and it falls through, then they go and hang out together. Cool, we'll just be over here feeling awesome and left out, thanks. Luckily we moved into the family ward because our Married Student ward was terrible. Maybe we'll make friends. Probably not at the rate we're going. 

I got my wisdom teeth out for free! Ya, unfortunately that's where the positive note ends. The study drug they gave made me throw up, I puked out my blood clots and got dry sockets in my bottom two teeth, then I missed a week and a half of school/football/everything because I was in the worst pain OF MY ENTIRE LIFE. Literally, I would rather go through child birth 10 times than dry sockets again. I couldn't even work the game Saturday, so I sat at home for 8 hours all by myself and did nothing. Like a loser. I see a reoccurring theme here...

BUT there's always an upside to life. If you look for it :) I LOVE living in the main level of our house now. No complaints, its cute, bright and spider-less. Never going back to a basement apartment again. 

I'm still mentoring athletes, just not as many as usual because of the hours I work for football. But all the guys are great! And there's something about helping them get organized that makes my day.

Speaking of football, the only grand perk of the job is working the games. I've never been a crazy football fan, but working the sideline is awesome. Especially when its broadcasted on ESPN and my sister and dad spend all night trying to find me on the sideline. Ha.

Aaaand I feel way better about this semester than last in general. After we got married I had the "wedding blues" and was depressed and just wanted to sleep all day every day and hated myself. Now I'm up early, my classes are fine, I'm productive everyday...just had to get out of that transition mode. Both Landon and I agree that living in Chicago for the Summer somehow made us closer. Presh. 

The Church is true, and I love Landon. The end :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, basements are the worst! I hate spiders. And student wards, those stink. I'm sure you will like the family ward 10000 times better :)
