May 30, 2013

The Abbotts: An Unexpectedly Terrible Journey

(Hobbit reference anyone? Good. Since I'm splitting our adventure into three parts, I thought a play on words would be fitting.)

So I'm bringing Instagram traditions over to the blog. Well, at least for today. But first an update:

I'm currently sitting in one of the billion Starbucks in the heart of downtown Chicago, just to use their internet. There's always so many people swarming about on the streets, speaking all different languages and wearing different styles. Its easy to just sit and people watch for hours, which I may have done today because I don't have a job and the hubs is at work full time. Its humid and stuffy when you walk on the busy streets and when it rains it brings out the concentrated smell of concrete in the air, sometimes other smells that aren't too pleasant. There's a constant orchestra of cars honking, people humming on their phones, beggars rattling their change cups, volunteers asking you if you have 60 seconds to spare to listen to their pitch...this city is so alive its overwhelming. And I'm not even the one from a small town (cough* Landon). The buildings are so tall, the thunder is literally deafening, everyone is in a rush to get somewhere. I've just been wandering the streets these last couple days trying to soak it all in and decide if this is somewhere I'd like to live in the future. And also find a job, which I may have done at Pinkberry today. Score!

Now for the throwback portion....A throwback to the first leg of our trip last week. We started out on our trip to Chicago by leaving Utah friday morning and driving to Longmont, CO to visit my family there. In the first few hours, Landon spilled a giant soda everywhere, my iPhone got completely submerged in it, I lost my wedding ring, then we didn't talk to each other out of anger nearly the whole 9 was kind of a mess. But then we got to Longmont and my dear family cheered us right up. My favorite part was just hearing Landon call my grandma, well, "grandma" like it was the most natural thing ever. It softened the anger I had been feeling all day into nothing. Oh married life, its a learning experience for sure. No matter how angry I get though, I still love the crap out of my man. Mmhmm. Anyways, we ate yummy ribs, celebrated my grandpa's birthday, visited my uncle's auto detailing shop, hit up Kohl's, FOUND MY RING! and then crashed in our amazing room in the Marriott. 

Our happy faces relaxing in our king size bed after a LONG day.

This car was packed, no spare space was wasted. 

And now I'm kicking myself in the butt because I literally took two was a rough day. I'll do another post about the second part of the journey later. 

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