January 25, 2013

I'm So Unmotivated

To update this blog, do school work, do laundry....basically all I want to do these days is sew, watch Netflix and cuddle with my hunky hubby. Doesn't sound too bad right?

This semester doesn't seem to bad actually! My classes are pretty chill and are actually interesting. The only hard part is being at school from 7am/8am everyday until 5pm every single day. After being with Landon 24/7 over break, not seeing him until 5pm at night is rough :( Its pathetic, I know. And everyone and their mother is having babies, which isn't good since its consequently made me baby hungry. I think I've texted Landon everyday this week something about babies. Good ol' hormones. I just see all these cute, squishy-faced infants and my little heart melts (Steph I'm especially talking about yours). Don't worry though, we won't have any squishy-faced, blonde-haired, blue-eyed babes running around anytime soon...

Other than that, its actually warm today in Provo! And by warm I mean 30 degrees, never thought I'd say that. Yesterday we all experienced "freezing rain" and basically ice skated all over campus...it was absolutely terrifying. Landon's (and now mine) mom and two sisters are coming up today to go to a concert later in Salt Lake, so we'll be hanging out with them for a while. Tomorrow I have to work a tennis match since I work with the women's team here as an Athletic Training student, so I'll be on campus again foreverrrr. But I get lots of free food out of it, this major has some serious perks! Its just super time consuming.

Welp, time to get rid of some hiccups that have been plaguing me for the last hour. I know, random.

Can it pleeeease be Summer now!!!

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