February 25, 2013

About the Hubs

So I'm totally lazy when it comes to blog posting as you may have noticed. I just feel like there's nothing in life going on worth writing about, but its actually wonderful and grand! So I'll just do this list of 25 Things About Your Husband one of my friends did on her blog so you can learn more about the love of my life! And I learn new things about him every day so getting to 25 with hopefully be a breeze:

1. He served his mission in West Virginia. He talks about it and the people so much! He loves that place and can't wait to go back.

2. He didn't like rice his whole life up until his mission. And its a good thing he likes it now because I cook it a lot.

3. He's a tad obsessed with technology. He's always telling me about the latest gizmos and gadgets coming out, and when we walk by the electronics aisle in a store he's a goner. I literally have to drag him out.

His best friend...right after me. 

4. He's played every sport imaginable! Basketball, football, tennis, soccer, swim, track...he's quite the athlete. He misses football the most though.

5. On top of that, he loves going to the gym. He gets cranky when he doesn't go.

6. He LOVES snowboarding, he's been doing it since he was a kid. We went on our honeymoon and he could have stayed on the mountain the whole time. And he is super good! I was beyond impressed.


7. Landon loves animated movies! He'd never say that out loud, but anytime we watch one he laughs his butt off. Its adorable, I just start laughing because of him. One of his favorites is Megamind (also the first movie we watched together. Also the first time we held hands :) )

8. If he could eat steak/pork chops with potatoes and corn everyday, I'm pretty sure he would. Good thing I'm around to keep him healthy.

The dinner I made for his birthday, which he ended up choking on...

9. He falls asleep at night in literally two seconds. And he always falls asleep on his back, starts to snore, then turns on his side.

10. And most nights before he falls asleep he says some goofy goodnight to me. Something completely random like "sleep like an eskimo in a blizzard". Its hilarious. I need to start writing them down...

11.  Ever since we got Netflix he has been OBSESSED with watching White Collar. And he wants to dress like the main character. I wouldn't mind either, he's got some nice suits!

12. I was the first girl he said "I love you" to. Which happened in a little gazebo thing by the duck pond path here at BYU. Presh, I know.

13. We've been to 10 temples together!

14. He's only changed a baby's diaper once and that was this summer. I told him that has got to change real fast when we start having kids.

Him and his cute niece!

15. He's super hardcore about cleaning on Saturdays. I would compare him to a drill sergeant. 

16. He plays piano so well! He hasn't practiced in a long time though. I love just sitting and listening to him play.

17. He grew up on a farm. I loved going there this summer and "helping" him. I really just went along for the ATV rides :)

18. He's the middle of five kids. He's got an older brother and sister, then a younger brother and a younger sister. And he missed the red-headed genes ;)

19. I've never seen someone drink as much milk as this kid. If I hadn't asked him to tone it down we'd probably go through two gallons a week. And when we forget to buy more, he has a mini panic attack.

20. He was (and I guess still is) a volunteer firefighter in his little town. He's seen some crazy accidents since they live right off of I-15. During the summer when I was visiting he got up in the middle of the night to respond to a call and in his half awake daze backed up into my car which was blocking him in. Oops!

Wearing his fireman get-up.

21. He lived in Hawaii for two weeks this past Summer...until he and I both got depressed from being apart so he came home. Guess it worked out for the both of us!

22. It was his idea to get me an engagement ring with a sapphire in it and I agreed! People always comment on how different it is.

23. The only reason he goes to mexican joints is to eat chips and salsa. Thats something else he'd probably eat everyday if he could. He LOVES it, he'll go throw a few baskets by himself.

That face.

24. He loves his major here at BYU! He's doing business management with an emphasis in supply chain and he works SO hard at making himself marketable. And because of that......

25. We're probably going to Chicago this summer for an internship he receieved!!! He hasn't officially accepted, but we both feel really good about it and are already making plans for it. I'm so proud of him! All his hard work is paying off and we're both so excited.

So if anyone wants to let us know all about the Windy City, where to go, what to do, where to live...let us know!

1 comment:

  1. There was a good portion of these that I was like "oh, Adrian too!" Your guy sounds like a keeper! :)

    Oh, and tell your hubby if he wants more practice with diaper changes he's welcome to come over here and change some of Joshua's! ;)
