May 21, 2013

Moving out

Let's not even start with how long its been since I last posted...but to recap this last semester:

Working with tennis was awesome.
Landon accepted an internship in Chicago.
We almost froze to death in our basement apartment.
We got to go to a lot of wedding receptions and a few sealings.
Finals kicked our butt.
We've been watching Landon's brother's Rottweiler for the past month, and he is the dumbest yet sweetest and oddest dog I've ever met.
Marriage has gotten even better.

As of now, we're all moved out of that cold basement and up to the main level of the house! Moving stinks, but luckily we only had to drag everything up a flight of (really) steep stairs.

Then my indecisive self decided that I needed to go with the hubby to Chicago. The plan up until this point was that I was going to <i>stay in Provo, get a second job at Winco (who was --- this close to hiring me until I declined), manage our landlords properties and fix up the rentals</i>. But then I was sitting at my desk at work last week and I just had this overwhelming feeling that <b>I needed to go</b>. Now we're in the process of trying to find somewhere to live short term (which is proving EXTREMELY difficult), figuring out how we're going to pay for everything and praying that I can find work for a month and a half while I'm there. We're also trying to sublease our place here in Provo soooo if you know of anyone let us know! Its not the most logical choice, but after being away in California for five days without him, all Summer apart just wasn't an option for me anymore.

Speaking of California, it was great! Sam and Marissa got all married and cuteness, I got to see my amazing friends, I cleaned, cooked and helped plant a garden at home with my daddy and sissy. Love them! But I'm dumb and didn't take any picture of my adventures there.

Now here are some pictures (in no particular order) that will hopefully do the happenings of my life some justice:

Meet Kaiser, the biggest lap dog you'll ever meet. 

Heather's reception.

Belinda going crazy on some bushes.

Sacramento Temple.

Testing out our S'more maker last night. 
One of my favorite meals ever. Right after pancakes.

Celebrating the last day of classes at midnight with McDonald's cones.

It was really bright in St. George. Landon wasn't use to the sun.


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